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A High Orbit View On Sustainability



First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting our website. I am Fabián, the founder of éclectical. Sustainability is a very important topic to address in the skin care industry, as creams, soaps and serums use a lot of packaging. We are well aware of the problems that this can cause and we decided to implement a holistic plan to go beyond packaging to do the best we can. I will guide you through the whole concept that involves a continuous improvement cycle to take care of our planet.

Our Ingredients

We want to make sure that we can use ingredients that can be replenished responsibly. This is where we unlock the power of the ocean. Seaweed and algae extracts are some of our favorite ingredients that we use in most of our products. Ocean farms benefit the ecosystem because they do not require fresh water, chemical fertilizers or arable land, which are often used in land-based cultivation. In addition, underwater farms can help improve water quality and buffer the effects of ocean acidification by absorbing carbon dioxide. This is just the start and we will always continue to look for additional ingredients that have a positive footprint on our planet.

Product Packaging 

100% recyclable materials made from plastics? Is that really sustainable?

In spite of plastics being recyclable, we don't see that as a sustainable way of operating. We have all used plastic and it is always a pleasant feeling knowing that they will be recycled; however, there is one big problem. Most plastic can only be recycled 2-3 times throughout its use. By recycling plastic, we are simply delaying its inevitable fate as part of a landfill - all while emitting more co2.

Endlessly Recyclable Materials

Our approach to packaging involves trying to use as many materials that can be endlessly recycled. Both aluminum and glass are perfect examples. Currently 99.7% of the materials we use are recyclable, among these, 69% are endlessly recyclable. This is a metric we will continue to monitor looking forward.

Giving Back

We are nature advocates. In fact we do a lot of nature footage by ourselves in random locations to promote the splendor of the earth. As such, we will be donating a portion of our sales to nature conservancy projects, and expect to announce our first collaboration by the end of 2022. We hope this represents the first of many successful initiatives. 

Our Responsibility 

In sum, we still have a lot of work to do in terms of sustainability and we will continue posting updates on our array of initiatives. It is our priority. We would like to thank you again for browsing through our website. With your help, we want to become as sustainable as possible.