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The benefits of carrots for your skin

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The benefits of carrots for your skin

Carrots, Why Should I Eat More?

How do you feel about carrots? Most people either hate them or...tolerate them. It’s just not one of those foods that really gets people excited.

But here’s what should get you excited about carrots — they are amazing for your skin! So if you’re looking for ways to promote healthier skin, start from the inside. Choosing healthy foods like carrots for skin is one of the best ways to get great skin and look younger in the process.

Check out what you should know about Bugs Bunny’s favorite food here.

Fight Free Radicals

Every day your skin is exposed to a plethora of environmental toxins and pollutants that oxidate and create free radicals in your skin. These free radicals and the damage they cause are some of the main things that cause aging.

Because of their high levels of Vitamin A and water solubility, carrots are excellent at whisking away these pesky free radicals. Fewer free radicals = younger-looking skin!

Help the Skin Heal

Eating carrots isn’t the only way you can benefit from them. Take some carrot pulp and apply it to blemishes or scars to aid and speed healing.

Add a Sun-Kissed Glow

You already know you shouldn’t spend hours lying in the sun if you want your skin to stay healthy. Then what do you do to fight the pasty white?

Eat some more carrots!

The beta-carotene in carrots is what gives them their bright orange color. Your body turns it into Vitamin A, but the color doesn’t go away. In fact, eat enough carrots and you’ll notice a more sun-kissed glow coming on.

The best part? Carrots are packed with so much of this nutrient that even just a small carrot a day can make a difference.

Provide Sun Protection

Plus, carrots provide a sun-shield from the inside for when you do go outside. Again, you have the beta-carotene to thank for this. It combats the damage caused by UV rays to keep your skin free from the effects of sun damage.

Enjoy Health Foods for Better Skin

Carrots are just one of many fruits and vegetables that can do wonders for your complexion. But a healthy diet is just one piece of the puzzle.

It’s also important to follow a thorough men’s skin care routine every day. These factors together will help you preserve your devilishly good looks for decades!

Carrots, Why Should I Eat More?

How do you feel about carrots? Most people either hate them or...tolerate them. It’s just not one of those foods that really gets people excited.

But here’s what should get you excited about carrots — they are amazing for your skin! So if you’re looking for ways to promote healthier skin, start from the inside. Choosing healthy foods like carrots for skin is one of the best ways to get great skin and look younger in the process.

Check out what you should know about Bugs Bunny’s favorite food here.

Fight Free Radicals

Every day your skin is exposed to a plethora of environmental toxins and pollutants that oxidate and create free radicals in your skin. These free radicals and the damage they cause are some of the main things that cause aging.

Because of their high levels of Vitamin A and water solubility, carrots are excellent at whisking away these pesky free radicals. Fewer free radicals = younger-looking skin!

Help the Skin Heal

Eating carrots isn’t the only way you can benefit from them. Take some carrot pulp and apply it to blemishes or scars to aid and speed healing.

Add a Sun-Kissed Glow

You already know you shouldn’t spend hours lying in the sun if you want your skin to stay healthy. Then what do you do to fight the pasty white?

Eat some more carrots!

The beta-carotene in carrots is what gives them their bright orange color. Your body turns it into Vitamin A, but the color doesn’t go away. In fact, eat enough carrots and you’ll notice a more sun-kissed glow coming on.

The best part? Carrots are packed with so much of this nutrient that even just a small carrot a day can make a difference.

Provide Sun Protection

Plus, carrots provide a sun-shield from the inside for when you do go outside. Again, you have the beta-carotene to thank for this. It combats the damage caused by UV rays to keep your skin free from the effects of sun damage.

Enjoy Health Foods for Better Skin

Carrots are just one of many fruits and vegetables that can do wonders for your complexion. But a healthy diet is just one piece of the puzzle.

It’s also important to follow a thorough men’s skin care routine every day. These factors together will help you preserve your devilishly good looks for decades!

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