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The Toughest Facial Cleanser For Men

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The Toughest Facial Cleanser For Men

Work hard, play hard, and sweat hard?

You might think, then, that men need a tough facial cleanser to keep up with them and preserve their devilish good looks.

In reality, a gentle facial cleanser is just as important for men as it is for women. Read on to learn about the importance of treating your skin right.

The Trouble With Over Cleansing

A clean face is a fresh face and ridding your face of acne-causing bacteria is always a good thing. Thus, you might think that washing your face several times a day is a good idea.


Many people make the mistake of over-cleansing their face. After all, a few extra cleanings a day can’t hurt, right?

In reality, you should only wash your face with a cleanser twice a day. We recommend doing it in the morning and before bed. At the most, you can wash your face with water once more after a sweaty gym session, but that’s it.

Anything more than this can actually cause more skincare problems than it can fix.


Properly cleansing your face removes bacteria and impurities that cause blackheads, acne, and more. But washing your face constantly strips the natural oils from the skin and can upset the pH balance.

Do you struggle with facial blemishes despite washing your face constantly? Your efforts may actually be part of the problem.

Your skin may be overproducing oil in an effort to keep your skin hydrated, which could be clogging your pores and causing skin problems.

In addition, dehydrated skin cells shrink, pulling away from one another. These cracks allow bacteria and debris to get inside the skin and cause inflammation.

The Trouble With Harsh Cleansers

When it’s time to wash your face, the type of cleanser you choose also matters. Again, you might think that because you sweat a lot or work in a dirty environment, you need a strong cleanser to really get your face clean.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Harsh cleansers, like over-cleansing, unnecessarily strip oils from the skin. They can also cause inflammation, dryness, or even irritation.

Gentle cleansers work to remove dirt and grime from your face as well as dead skin cells and unnecessary oil. However, it doesn’t completely strip away the oils in your skin. It leaves enough behind to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

Does your skin feel tight and dry after cleansing? That’s a sure sign you’re using an unnecessarily harsh cleanser.

The Trouble With the Wrong Cleanser

Finally, it is important to be aware that not all skin types are the same. Though many people create their own skincare problems through improper cleansing, there is a certain amount of nature involved.

Some people tend to have drier skin and others tend toward oily skin. For the best skincare, it’s vital to choose the right products for your skin type.

Our cleansers work for all skin types.

You won’t have to try a few different types to see what works best. If you’ve been frenetically cleansing your face multiple times a day, you may discover you don’t have the oily skin you thought you did!

Whatever you do, don’t assume that a harsher cleanser or washing your face multiple times a day will fix your skin problems. You still need a gentle cleanser and you still only need to wash your face 1-2 times per day.

The Best Cleansers for Men

The Internet is flooded with information for women about how to choose cleansers. Plus, every step of complicated skincare regimes is written out in careful detail.

We understand that while men appreciate having a clean face and nice skin, they don’t all enjoy the fluff and frills. That’s why we’ve designed a whole product line of skin care for men.

Our gentle cleansers are strong enough to get the job done, yet gentle enough to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. That’s what will give you the clean, clear skin you desire.

Shop our gentle cleansers here to get started!


Work hard, play hard, and sweat hard?

You might think, then, that men need a tough facial cleanser to keep up with them and preserve their devilish good looks.

In reality, a gentle facial cleanser is just as important for men as it is for women. Read on to learn about the importance of treating your skin right.

The Trouble With Over Cleansing

A clean face is a fresh face and ridding your face of acne-causing bacteria is always a good thing. Thus, you might think that washing your face several times a day is a good idea.


Many people make the mistake of over-cleansing their face. After all, a few extra cleanings a day can’t hurt, right?

In reality, you should only wash your face with a cleanser twice a day. We recommend doing it in the morning and before bed. At the most, you can wash your face with water once more after a sweaty gym session, but that’s it.

Anything more than this can actually cause more skincare problems than it can fix.


Properly cleansing your face removes bacteria and impurities that cause blackheads, acne, and more. But washing your face constantly strips the natural oils from the skin and can upset the pH balance.

Do you struggle with facial blemishes despite washing your face constantly? Your efforts may actually be part of the problem.

Your skin may be overproducing oil in an effort to keep your skin hydrated, which could be clogging your pores and causing skin problems.

In addition, dehydrated skin cells shrink, pulling away from one another. These cracks allow bacteria and debris to get inside the skin and cause inflammation.

The Trouble With Harsh Cleansers

When it’s time to wash your face, the type of cleanser you choose also matters. Again, you might think that because you sweat a lot or work in a dirty environment, you need a strong cleanser to really get your face clean.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Harsh cleansers, like over-cleansing, unnecessarily strip oils from the skin. They can also cause inflammation, dryness, or even irritation.

Gentle cleansers work to remove dirt and grime from your face as well as dead skin cells and unnecessary oil. However, it doesn’t completely strip away the oils in your skin. It leaves enough behind to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

Does your skin feel tight and dry after cleansing? That’s a sure sign you’re using an unnecessarily harsh cleanser.

The Trouble With the Wrong Cleanser

Finally, it is important to be aware that not all skin types are the same. Though many people create their own skincare problems through improper cleansing, there is a certain amount of nature involved.

Some people tend to have drier skin and others tend toward oily skin. For the best skincare, it’s vital to choose the right products for your skin type.

Our cleansers work for all skin types.

You won’t have to try a few different types to see what works best. If you’ve been frenetically cleansing your face multiple times a day, you may discover you don’t have the oily skin you thought you did!

Whatever you do, don’t assume that a harsher cleanser or washing your face multiple times a day will fix your skin problems. You still need a gentle cleanser and you still only need to wash your face 1-2 times per day.

The Best Cleansers for Men

The Internet is flooded with information for women about how to choose cleansers. Plus, every step of complicated skincare regimes is written out in careful detail.

We understand that while men appreciate having a clean face and nice skin, they don’t all enjoy the fluff and frills. That’s why we’ve designed a whole product line of skin care for men.

Our gentle cleansers are strong enough to get the job done, yet gentle enough to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. That’s what will give you the clean, clear skin you desire.

Shop our gentle cleansers here to get started!


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